Sunday, 22 November 2009

Life in dorms :)

Living in dorms of university in Korea was pretty weird, first of all because they had separate male and female floors.And you could never enter the opposite sex floor, because you would be expelled (yeah right)

 Living in dorms in Korea has pros and cons. I guess the first disadvantage that U notice is a HUGE amount of rules... But what could be more fun than not following them and having an argument with our beloved "sonsaengnim"? :D Well there were notices and rules everywhere: to be quiet, not to do this and that, there were the rules even for watching TV, using fridge and toilet :D And if U did not follow the rules there was a long list of penalties.
Some samples of notices ( just a few, there were much more of them):

And our beloved one - list of penalties:

And those who lived in the dorm of Ajou in the spring of 2009 know the story of the following notice :D.

Well I tried to integrate into a society so I posted one notice of my own on the door of our room 
 (unfortunately someone was not so happy about it, so after a while it was gone and I was so upset about it, I loved that poster so much).

Anyways I had the other one posted  soon

 In our case we had a 4 shared room. There were two girls from China and us, two lithuanians. The condition of a room was ok, not too fancy, but good enough to live :)

This is how our room looked like at the beggining of the semester, later on it got much more  a bit messy ^^.
And that's how my food looked like during the first month:


Not a very healthy way of living :D
Overall I enjoyed living in dorms and pissing coordinator off even if sometimes I felt like I was in prison ^^ The good thing about our dorm was that we were able to come back there whenever we wanted. I heard that in some dorms they do not let you in if U come back later than midnight. Then U just have to spend all night partying or sitting in front of a dorm and waiting or the time they will let U in :D
Damn it - that's why I love Korea :D A lot of things were different from everything I used to know.


  1. Juan Mesa said...
    I like it baby ;) ;)
    Unknown said...
    Linksmai gyvenai :} PDA :D :D O shit, I haven't laughed so much for a while :}
    Deimante said...
    Na del PDA taip nesijuoktum, jei pagrasintu ismest is bendriko. Mes ne karta gavom pylos ir pykomes su adminu :D

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